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At 2-1/4” high, Elevation is an elegant, linear thin brick that features a unique weathered look. It comes inrandom lengths up to 23-5/8” and two thicknesses: 3/4” and 1-3/8”. These thicknesses can be installed independently or mixed to create depth variation and shadows. Also available, corner units create a full-bed look.

At a glance

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*Washed units (not provided for projects by Arriscraft but to represent finished appearance after jobsite cleaning) were first soaked with clean potable water to saturate the surface of the masonry and then cleaned with EaCo Chem’s NMD80 at an 8:1 dilution. Once cleaned the units were rinsed with clean potable water to remove the NMD80 cleaning agent. Further information for proper cleaning techniques can be found on EaCo Chem’s website at