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At Arriscraft…

We take sustainability and environmental stewardship seriously.

Across North America, environmental practices and performance are more important than ever before. Not only do we manufacture products that contribute to sustainability, we start thinking green before our product is even made.

Thoughtful planning and manufacturing techniques allow us to maintain our commitment to the environment, and to responsible manufacturing. Our position on environmentally sensitive practices is governed by our company’s corporate objectives, which state that “social and environmental concerns are of the utmost importance and must not be compromised in the setting and execution of policies.”


– Use of abundant all-natural ingredients in our products.
– Use of post-industrial recycled materials, including post-industrial recycled silica and mineral oxide pigments. Where possible, select products include up to 6% recycled materials by mass.
– Recycling and re-use of water during our production process to promote conservation of one of earth’s most valuable resources.
– Non-toxic manufacturing process. As a result, there are no toxic emissions to pollute our water or air.
– Facility-wide recycling program, environmental safety plan, and packaging materials that contain recycled materials, and are recyclable and reuseable.
– Scrap product is crushed and recycled into aggregate.

– For more information on how Arriscraft products contribute to Environmental Sustainability and LEED, download our Building Green Brochure

Arriscraft pioneered its environmentally benign Natural Process technology in the 1950s, and has continued to enhance and refine the process ever since.